Armoy Road Races All Set

With the course complete and the final of preparations taking place this week, the Armoy Motorcycle Road Racing Club is all set for a good weekend of road racing and the Bayview Hotel Race of Legends 2022. With practice and qualifying racing followed by two races on Friday 29th July and then a thirteen-race programme on Saturday 30th July 2022, the Club is looking forward to a great event.

Bill Kennedy MBE, Chairman and Clerk of the Course said, “The set-up is nearly complete, and we couldn’t have done it without the many volunteers – so thank you. There are a few final preparations this week and then everything should fall into place for the weekend’s racing.

“We’ve already announced the many quality road riders that will be arriving this week to participate in the best national road race there is, so we know that if we get the weather, we are definitely going to have one great event.

“One small surprise on Saturday is that we’ll have a Sidecar demonstration lap. TT Sidecar champions, the Birchall brothers, along with Seamus Killough (known as Scoobie) and his teammate, Robert Semple, will take to the 3.03 mile circuit at lunchtime and show us a little of modern sidecar racing.”

The Mansfield brothers have dominated the TT Sidecar race since 2015, and with 12 TT victories Ben is the second most successful TT driver while younger brother Tom is the most successful TT passenger.

Bill continued, “The brothers are the ‘poster boys’ of modern Sidecar racing and I’m sure they will have many more successful years at the TT so I know that the fans of Armoy Road Races will show them their appreciation of their great achievements come Saturday.”

“With everything falling into place, I’d also like to take this opportunity to remind folk of the road closing times. This year we are closing the roads an hour earlier, so on Friday, the roads are closed at 11am for qualifying and practice racing, opening no later than 9.30pm, and on Saturday they close at 9am, opening no later than 7.30pm. We’ve a lot of practice races and racing to get through in two days.

“With that in mind, I’m asking spectators to get in to position early and choose their spot. If they want to move around the course, they are enough walkways internally to the course, to do that. We would ask them to stay off the road at all times. We will be turning practices and races around quickly in order to maximise the time.

“To date we’ve had tremendous support, from the title sponsor, Trevor Kane at the Bayview Hotel to each and every sponsor, to those advertising in the programme and, of course, the many volunteers and Club members – the help has been tremendous. Road racing needs everyone’s support. So, I ask you, if you haven’t already bought a programme package, you can still buy one and collect it on or before Friday 29th July.

“There’s more info on our website and on the Saturday, you can still buy a programme as you enter Armoy. The Club has worked hard this year, and after a challenging few years, it’s really important that people understand that an event as this, just does not happen overnight. Each and every member gives their time freely, every penny is invested into these races ensuring that we have the best, and as safe as possible but ultimately, it’s to ensure that this sport continues.”

“We are expecting good numbers and the village was busy with yesterday’s Bike run and there are a few other activities during the week too. As always, it’ll be tremendous to see the folk that have travelled just to be part of the week and Armoy Road Races.

“So, I’m putting one last call out to everyone to come and support the Armoy Road Races and the Club, I believe that there will be two very good days of road racing.”
This year, Bike Week runs from Sunday 24th July until Saturday 30th July with the races taking place on Friday 29th July and Saturday 30th July 2022 culminating in the Bayview Hotel ‘Race of Legends’. The Armoy Road Races event is enabled by funding from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.

For more information on Armoy Road Races, visit or search for ‘AMRRC’ on Facebook or follow on twitter @ArmoyRoadRaces.

Bill Kennedy Clerk of Course