What are the benefits of working with a PR Company?

Are you considering using a PR company for the first time? Maybe you have dabbled with consultants in the past or tried keeping your communications function in-house but have decided it’s the time to call in the experts!

Keep reading to find out what we think are the key benefits of working with a strategic PR and communications specialist.

Effective strategic communications allow businesses to build their brand and reputation by creating and promoting a narrative around the values the organisation embodies. It also helps to find experts that excel in all aspects of the communications that you require, whether that be media relations, crisis management, stakeholder engagement or public affairs.

Choose a team that will listen to and understand what you want to achieve and in collaboration with you, will advise and agree on measurable objectives and devise a customised programme of activity within a tailored budget. 

Here are some pointers on the benefits of working with a PR company:

  • Brand Awareness – positioning your company with the correct target audiences, building your brand, educating and increasing awareness of who you are and what you do.
  • Credibility – accurately promoting and sharing your key messages across a range of media platforms, elevating your brand throughout all stakeholder groups while establishing you as the ‘trusted authority” for media comment on related topical issues.
  • Brand Image and reputation – protecting your brand and your reputation by ensuring that it consistently reflects your core values. A PR company will advise on how planned (or unplanned) activities or announcements could impact both your brand and your reputation, and proactively or reactively work to keep them intact.
  • Media Management – leveraging an extensive knowledge on the types of stories and content that media outlets and online platforms are seeking, excellent media connections and a flair for pitching well-crafted PR to ensure your story cuts through the noise and engages with your target audience in a compelling and motivating way.

Strategically executed PR plays a key role in meeting overall business objectives. It sets the narrative in communications with all key audiences from customers and prospects, financial partners and public representatives, through to current and potential employees. Should things go wrong, it can help to protect a hard-earned positive reputation.

Having a dedicated team that can bring added value through a fresh perspective, informed by current trends and external influences that works directly to creatively elevate your brand, whilst managing your reputation, cannot be underestimated.

Call us today and let’s talk about how NAKEDPR can help you with your next project!

We get you noticed, and your story told.

No Nonsense. No Fuss. Just Great PR!